Spotify for the telecom industry?
We’ve been featured in the largest online IT newspaper in Sweden, Dagens Industri Digital.
Mobile operator doubles turnover - selling its cloud platform to competitors.
The cloud-based mobile operator Telness doubled its turnover last year and has now sprouted its technical solution. "Our idea from the beginning has been to set new standards in telecom," says founder and co-founder Martina Klingvall.
As a "Spotify for the telecom industry" - this is how Telness describes its telecom platform. The digital mobile operator, which focus on small and medium-sized companies, has challenged the traditional operators with a self-service cloud-based solution. Both as a mobile operator, but also with exchange solutions for companies.
Unlike other "virtual operators" such as Halebop, Hallon, Comviq and Vimla, they are not owned by a large telecom company. Telness services are sold today via, for example, Elgiganten and the company's customers have doubled in the past year to over 9,000.
“Our idea from the beginning has been to innovate and change standards in telecom. With our operator, we have proven what our cloud platform is scalable and flexible,” says Martina Klingvall, founder and CEO of Telness.